It’s time for a moderate, even handed rant. Today is Good Friday and that means that licensed premises in Ireland cannot serve alcohol. There are ways around it of course, but that’s the law of the land. I probably go out one Friday in the month and I have plenty of bottles at home in my beer cave so this arcane law really doesn’t affect me. BUT I would still like to see it abolished. Church and state are still somewhat intertwined but that’s slowly unravelling. I know it’s only one day and all that but I’d like to be able to go out IF I wanted to. I went out for lunch and met some friends, we all had meat. The waitress informed us that despite the numerous fish specials most diners were ordering meaty meals. In the same way I think the bars should be open. If you choose for religious or personal reasons not to drink that’s fine, but everyone should be free to make their own mind up.
The beer in the picture is Flying Dog’s Underdog Atlantic Lager. It’s refreshing and has a bit of a bite. Proper lager.
Picked up the beer in The Winehouse, Trim
I think these kind of legacy laws take a very very long time to abolish even if they might not be culturally relevant anymore. Politicians would have a tough time campaigning on that platform – there goes the elderly vote! 🙂 We still have some dry counties here in the states carried over from Prohibition times.
Am I right in thinking you can get beer in dry states as long as it’s below a certain abv?
I’ve never actually been to one but according to Wikipedia the dry counties forbid the sale of alcohol completely. I guess they can each decide the specifics though.
Guess where isn’t on my list of places to visit? 😉
Haha. Don’t worry most of them are in places that wouldn’t make it to your must see list!
I believe they’re called fly over states for a reason!
Same in New Zealand, Friday and Sunday. However thank you for the couple of days off you religious zealots who, though you are losing their grip in society generally continue to amuse with your quaint notions.
Ha,there’s that silver lining alright but Good Friday is a Holy Day, not a Bank Holiday. This means that most of us had to work. Unless you are employed by the banks funnily enough!
For real? it’s a public holiday here, the only people who work are, in no order:
Electricity generator people
Petrol Stations
In Queenstown the rules don’t apply and it’s all on!
Can’t go to a plant shop, although he did, they’re such mavericks!
Supermarkets are closed, get what you need a the petrol station 🙂
Buses are running.
Sporting events are ok, you can get beer and food there
It’s a shambles, like the beer I drink 🙂
Everyone’s a sportsfan on Good Friday so! I have not been as far as New Zealand but I’ve heard there are some similarities with Ireland. Some would also describe here as a shambles! 🙂
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