I was really excited about trying Magic Stone Dog. It’s a Pale Ale Saison hybrid born out of a collaboration between Magic Rock, Stone and Brew Dog. It’s not bad per se. It’s just nice and I was expecting so much more.
I had it with some home made pizza and I second guessed myself and wondered if I was killing the flavours but I had tried it on it’s own before tucking in. I have another bottle so I’ll give it another go, a girl can change her mind can’t she? I’m sure Greg Koch et al are going to lie awake until I deliver my final verdict!
Later in the evening I took a stroll down to one of my local bars, Don’s, Moate where Bo Bristle’s Pilsner is now on draught. Funnily enough I have had all of the Bo Bristle range including a few specials but up to this point I’d never had the Pilsner. It’s difficult to be objective when you’re mates with a brewer. And you’re wearing their t shirt. But I wasn’t expecting huge things from the Pilsner. (No offence lads) I thought I’d have a pint and then switch to the Amber or the IPA. Wrong again! It was tasty and fresh. I stayed drinking pints of it until Cinderella time! You really should try it!
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I might possibly have had this or something similar and I didn’t like it. maybe because the different parts didn’t mesh well.