My mate ( we’ll call him Jack to protect his privacy) has a bit of a hop addiction problem. He can’t get enough of those delicious IPAs. I reckon I managed to save at least one granny from getting mugged to feed his hop habit last night by inviting him around for a few beers. I am a big fan of Thornbridge’s Jaipur and they brewed this Imperial Jaipur X to mark their tenth birthday. Jack noted that it was quite a pale golden colour which he found a little disappointing. Luckily the pallor didn’t affect the taste, citrus fruit and pine with a hint of alcohol just to let you know that it’s 10%!
Lagunitas Hop Stoopid is a (slightly) more restrained 8% but when it says 102 IBUS on the label I reckoned we were safe enough. We agreed it had a better colour. There are some orange flavours and sticky hops. The hops are well matched by the malt and even the hop fiend had to concede that balance is a good thing. Both are recommended and available in Ireland right now. Sláinte!
“A few beers” at 10% and 8%! Either I got out just in time or I’m missing something rather special.
Those are both on the higher end of the scale in fairness and we shared the two bottles, trust me, that was enough for anyone.
…oh and we are going to brew a beer at the weekend and will be aiming for the more reasonable 4-4.5%!