I picked up a few interesting beers on a recent visit to The Winehouse, Trim, they have little in common. I was interested to try Anchor’s Old Foghorn after a recent (pleasant ) brush with Fuller’s Old Ale. Both are Barleywines; strong, malty ales. Anchor’s brings a lot of sweet fruit to the table, I’m going to say, Halloween brack for a change! A perfect nightcap.
Canada’s Hop City ( now, why can’t I find that on any map? ) brings us their Hopbot IPA. This rather funkily labelled beer packs in Citra, Centennial, Mosaic, Summit AND Williamette hops. If you like your American style IPAs this is one for you!
I had Ilkley’s Mary Jane a few months back and enjoyed it, their Rhubarb Saison, dubbed Siberia really tickled my fancy when I saw it. Beer writer Melissa Cole worked with the brewery on this beer. The rhubarb flavour was slight enough but it was a pretty decent saison. I missed a trick though, I really should’ve had some of the rhubarb from the garden with this, I am partial to a bit of rhubarb crumble and custard!
Lastly I had Mikkeller’s Vanilla Sky. Hands up who liked that fillum? The vanilla was hiding behind the hops, making for a nicely balanced IPA, I’d definitely drink it again. I suppose you could say: two of the beers were from this side of the Atlantic and two were from the far side. Sláinte!