Tasting Independent Pale Ale for The Malt House – completing the set!


I stopped into The Malt House last night for a swift half after a hard days graft. Behind the bar I spotted the Independent label. Earlier in the week I had their Golden and Red Ales and I was keen to try their Pale Ale as I expected it to be very good. Michelle told me that they were samples sent in for Robert to try. As he hadn’t yet, I was nominated for the onerous task. Don’t tell Robert if you’re talking to him!
One thing I like about the Independent beers is the list of malt and hops on the label. You can still guess what they are if you’re bored! This one has both Pale Malt and Rye and Columbus and Chinook hops from America and Magnum hops from Germany. The American hops are dominant. The beer had also been double dry hopped and I would say it’s an IPA myself. This is the strongest of the beers brewed by Independent at the moment, at 6% unless I am wrong and the IPA brewed specially for The Larder in Dublin is stronger. I suppose I’ll have to go on an arduous fact finding mission. It’s a tough gig! Anyway, Robert and Michelle from The Malt House and anyone else who likes their ales, this gets two thumbs up from me!

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