Monthly Archives: November 2016
JJ’S Beer Fest
Yesterday evening I made it to JJ Harlow’s in Roscommon for their first ever Beer Festival. They had six local breweries and MacIvor’s Cider for our delectation. There was a cool vibe too, one lad I was talking to reckoned … Continue reading
It’s of an agricultural nature.
I didn’t think Ear To The Ground was a programme for me. But then my Dad rang and told me that Mescan Brewery were on! And when you think about it, a pair of vets brewing on repurposed dairy equipment … Continue reading
Ballykilcavan…waiting in the wings.
A wee while back my brother in law called round with some samples of Ballykilcavan’s Test Batch Beers. The beers are going to be commercially available early next year and they are currently trying a few different styles to see … Continue reading
It’s great to be a Viking.
Did I ever tell you about my Viking ancestry? No? Well, legend has it that my Great × a couple of Greats Grand Pappy was Broder. And around a thousand years ago Broder was the guy who split Brian Boru’s … Continue reading