28 is an Abbey Tripel made by Caulier at De Proefbrouwerij which coincidentally is where the To Ol was also brewed. I say coincidentally, I’m sure they planned it but I didn’t know that when I bought them! This beer is sugar free but you wouldn’t know as it is quite sweet. It’s 9% but surprisingly easy to drink. This was perhaps my favourite of the three. I had it with some good Irish cheese
Which worked quite well, beer and cheese is the way forward!
Today I attended a home brew club which is affiliated with Athlone’s Making Space Art Collective. I didn’t get to stay for the whole thing but there was a lager brewed and I learned something about adding the yeast to the brew. I always just pitched it on top of the brew but apparently it works better if it’s dissolved in warm water first. As I left a rhubarb wine was just being started. It’s great to see brewing becoming a communal activity in Athlone.