I’m a big fan of Founder’s beers. I’d put them up there with my all time favourite breweries. When I heard O’Brien’s had their Rubaes in, sure I had to try it. I was fairly confident that my wife, a sweet cider fan would like it too. Eh, I was wrong, she declared it ‘still tastes bitter like beer’, now while I know it’s not as sweet as a radler I found it hard going. I kept thinking of cough syrup. I didn’t pour it down the sink, I hate waste, but I was tempted. Give it a try and see what you think yourself.
I liked it. Has to be ice cold and drink quickly though, I did the wrap it in wet kitchen roll and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes trick. Grand beer for this weather.
Always the opposite eh Sean, you are the Yin to my Yang, or something, it was cool but not ice cold when I drank it so you might be on to something there! Dunno if I’m willing to risk it again though…
The lads in DrinkStore warned me to make sure it was ice cold as it gets sickly as it warms up, so I took their advice. It’s insanely sweet and reminded me of Raspberry coulis at times but it’s also got a nice acidic kick to it which makes it’s tart rather than sour or bitter. You wouldn’t be able to drink it all night but it’s still a decent beer. It’s getting extremely good ratings on line in the whole as well. If you’re expecting a respberry lambic or some other funky yeast based fruit beer you’ll be disappointed, but if you just want something sweet with a little fresh berry tartness to it, it’s well worth trying.
That’s a fairly comprehensive answer Sean, and good advice for anyone who wants to try it!
I nearly could have made a blog post out of those two!
I normally wouldn’t be a fruit beer far, I don’t even really like Lambics (fruit or otherwise), and I usually shy away from any beer that’s very sweet but I found it enjoyable, but sure as the man says, mileage may vary!
In fairness the replies are longer than the post!
Huh Simon. I liked it when I tried it about two months ago. But – I had it on draft, and after some very bitter IPAs. So maybe I was anaesthetized to the sweetness by the time I got to it.
I definitely couldn’t stomach it after a few IPAs myself, but sure there you go!