It really is an evening for sitting out in the garden, at least it is here in Moate. I picked up a couple of seasonal beers to enjoy without being over complicated. Kentucky Kolsch used to be sold as Kentucky Light, but it is a Kolsch and is now named correctly. Kolsch is a style of beer originally brewed in Cologne. In very simple terms it’s kind of an ale crossed with a lager. This one is as light as it’s old name would suggest and it’s pleasant but in no way challenging.
Sierra Nevada’s Summerfest is a ‘crisp Summer lager’. It’s very smooth with a slightly European feel from the Saaz hops. Again it’s a perfectly fine beer for when you are looking to just chill out for a while. Cheers!
Just about to have a summerfest in my new SN glass…. have a kentucky IPA in the fridge and then…. after a visit to Dave today….. Smoky times ahead…..
Good call!