The Malt House was the scene of the crime last night. We met to sup the beer we made a few weeks ago in Bo Bristle’s brewery in Banagher. We called it Athlone Bitter Club!
It was a 4.01% dark session bitter. The first couple of sips I had tasted very bitter but then I was just after having a fizzy orange in one of Athlone’s finest fast food establishments. After the first half pint it started to taste a whole lot better. Reactions ranged from ‘It smells like a farmyard!’ to ‘chewy, malty, quaffable’ and ‘I could drink this all night!’, thankfully more liked it than didn’t. I think we brewed exactly what we were aiming for!
Rob O’Rourke sank the final pint and I, eh, borrowed this picture from him as it was better than mine!
We had a great turn out for the beer including a couple of new recruits.
When the keg rang dry no one went thirsty as two new taps arrived in The Malt House this week, Sheep Stealer from Black Donkey and Metalman’s Pale Ale were pouring and a few pints of the old reliable Bo Bristle IPA were had as well!
Thanks to everyone for coming out, The Malt House crew for looking after us so well and Dave Guilfoyle and Bo Bristle for indulging us. Sláinte!