Yesterday evening was a grand one for sipping in the garden. One of my neighbours volunteered selflessly to help me work through a couple of beers. I don’t normally buy six packs of beer but both O’Hara’s Amber Adventure and Black’s of Kinsale The Session would be suitable candidates for bulk purchase.
As the evening went along I decided to break out the big guns. Mikkeller’s I Beat yoU is an Imperial Pale Ale. It’s bitter but nothing that’d frighten anyone who likes a healthy dose of hops. Excellent beer.
Alan from The Winehouse, Trim urged me to try I Beat yoU’s big brother 1,000 IBU. Now the doctors and learned men tell us that our mouths can’t detect over something like 120 IBUs (units by which bitterness is measured) so this could be considered a futile exercise. Any hop head would be keen to try it though. It is mouth puckeringly bitter, and the shared bottle was enough. I shouldn’t have been scared to try it though and I laughed at myself a little for keeping it up for so long. Well worth a try but I reckon I Beat yoU is the better beer.
Edit: a bit like the title of my English essay for the leaving cert, this one may have had a bit of a red herring about it. Obviously I enjoy easy drinking session beers as well as BIG hop monsters, like everything, there’s a time and a place for each!