I have a problem with Tesco. It’s like our version of Walmart. You really don’t need to shop anywhere else. They’d offer brain surgery at a discounted rate if they thought it would turn a profit. The problem is that their success is built on the failure of other smaller businesses and squeezing every last drop out of their suppliers. That’s massively over simplified I know, but that’s not what this blog is about. When they start stocking a range called ‘Revisionist Craft Beer’ that’s brewed for them by Marston’s I had to try them.
They’re four for €9 so I’d suggest trying the Dark IPA, the Californian Common Steam beer, the Rye Pale Ale and the Saison. The Dark IPA is the best, the rest are not bad. And in the same manner that you can off set your carbon footprint I think you should put in a large order with your friendly, knowledgeable, independent off licence. Sláinte!
Now then. If they sold them in ‘Bombers’ that would then bring back many memories of the ‘Tesco Bombers, good and strong…’ Ditty.
Age sometimes does this to a mans memory.
In case… http://books.google.co.nz/books?id=zFG5BAAAQBAJ&pg=PT18&lpg=PT18&dq=tesco+bombers+good+and+strong&source=bl&ots=LXuCwUUKwn&sig=zecqyAX2XC_kgYBsKnfLg4jwZc0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NptnVMWmAuG_mwXvqoLgDA&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=tesco%20bombers%20good%20and%20strong&f=false
Just as well you elaborated! When I was growing up in the 80s there was a jeans factory in town (you could buy the seconds very cheaply) and that’s where mine came from until I saved my pocket/window cleaning money for a pair of second hand levis….
“Tesco Bombers” – was a derogatory term to describe anyones clothes that you though were naff. I don’t actually real ever wearing, having or seeing any to be fair.
I should pitch to Tesco to sell beer in Bombers – good and strong….. I’m sure about 7 people would get it